Thursday, July 01, 2010

How to make yo-yo's

McCalls's 5388 lends itself to quite a few design possibilities.  Having already made the necessary fit changes (you can see my review of the original version) I decided to play with fabric and details (see this review here).  One of the details I eventually decided on was yo-yo's, they're easy as pie to make and give the garment a bit of a crafty, country feel.  They tend to look best when grouped together in clusters.

  1. Start by making paper templates with a diameter twice as wide as the finished yo-yo.  My largest yo-yo template was 16cm across (finished size ~ 8cm), my middle yo-yo 8cm across (finished size ~ 4cm) and the smallest yo-yo 4cm across (finished size ~ 2cm).
  2. Cut the fabric circles out.
  3. By hand, turn under ~ 1/4" narrow hem using a 1/4" gathering stitch to baste close to the fold.
  4. Pull the gathering stitch up to form the yo-yo, centre the gathers and tie off.  Fluff it out a bit to get the effect you want.
  5. Sew a button to the centre, if you wish.

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